Ok, friends. It's time to get political. Isn't there ENOUGH turmoil in the world? Who's gonna top this one? Who's gonna say "thoughts and prayers" and then say that it's too complicated to make it more difficult to get an assault weapon? The kid who got himself the gun legally is still not even old enough to drink by law. I'd rather see him get blasted on Natty Ice or any other drink than going and legally purchasing something that was literally made with the intent to kill.
When Columbine happened, I remember getting very, very scared to teach. I was scared that these things would become commonplace. Guess what, folks? They are now! Can you name all the shootings that have happened in the last year? Yeah, I didn't think so.
Last weekend someone shot up a grocery store in Buffalo. Today some asshole shot up a school and killed EIGHTEEN CHILDREN.
But yeah, let's continue making sure that 18 year olds can legally buy assault weapons before they can legally drink.
Fuck this shit. People are dying, folks. People are getting killed. EIGHTEEN. FUCKING. CHILDREN.
No one deserves to go through that. No teacher should see stories like this on the news and think, "oh good, at least it wasn't my school this time." No parents should see stories like this and think "oh good, it wasn't my kid this time."
Yeah, people say "this time" now. What about saying "this time," thus implying more of these incidents to come, isn't horrifying to you?
Send your thoughts and prayers. Please. I'm praying my heart out.
My heart is breaking for those families, those friends, those other children who had to see what they saw, experience what they experienced. I'm praying for their ability to get through this without completely breaking. I'm praying for God/Allah/Yahweh/The Universe/Great Spirit/Providence/ WHOEVER to take these souls into his/her/their arms and help people handle this tragedy. Pray for discernment in the folks that have the power to work to help this happen less, and pray for clarity of thought and rational action.
Parents: look at your children tonight. See them sleeping. See them pissing you off by talking back. See them snuggling with a teddy bear, playing an instrument, singing a song, drawing a picture, blogging furiously, getting lost on a glowing rectangular smart-device.
Then think about how it could all be taken away in a second with no warning.
After that, think about how great it is that these children died because it's so easy to get the things that killed all these children.
But yeah, enjoy your assault rife. It's your freedumb. [sic]