About a month ago, I started noticing something beautiful on our dog-walks. Along the trail we walk (it's in the woods in a state park), I noticed some rocks at the base of trees, on fallen logs, etc. Each rock was painted a rather neutral color to fit into the woods, and each rock had a positive message on it. I remember "ah, songbirds -- the love song of the morning" as one of them. (I've made my Cursillo, and I immediately thought of these as palanca, but I refused to take them because I wanted them to make other people's days better too.) One night the rocks disappeared. I thought the park maintenance workers had taken them, and when I asked them (they know us well), they said they hadn't, so I hoped more would come. Meanwhile, I started making rocks of my own, and thought I'd add Project Semicolon work to these rocks. Project Semicolon is a mental health initiative (see link above), and I thought to myself that maybe having the semico...